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Welcome SeaSquad! In this article we will walkthrough you on how to swap your $IDDX to the new SeaDEX ticker $SEAX. Be prepared! Video format on how to migrate is also here.
Before getting started, make sure to import the $SEAX token address to your wallet where you hold the $IDDX.
Token address: 0xaC2b250C1618DAF5fa87E614E87200456E2f7BCf
Visit the swapping page: https://swap.seadex.finance/
Connect with the wallet where you hold your $IDDX token
Double check the address and make sure you have enough BNB to do the swapping transactions.
Click “Approve IDDX”
You will automatically see the total amount of $IDDX you hold. Here you can’t choose how much amount to swap, all of the $IDDX token will be counted to migrate.
Give permission to access IDDX and confirm the transaction
Click “Swap” to migrate your $IDDX to $SEAX
Confirm the transaction
Done! You should be receiving your $SEAX in a second
Don’t forget to import the $SEAX token sc: 0xaC2b250C1618DAF5fa87E614E87200456E2f7BCf
If you find any difficulties or need help in doing the token swap, don’t hesitate to contact the community (official only, we never DM first!) https://t.me/seadex_eng