TRI KORO DHARMO — figure behind IndoDEX

5 min readOct 12, 2021


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Anonymity, as much as it can be a huge advantage in doing this revolutionary movement, can also bring downside to the community members specifically if it meant to be “transparent”, right?


Transparency has nothing to do with anonymity, the IndoDEX team held accountable for the project and here I will spill a bit about the team and how we will remain transparent. Bear with me!

  1. What is with the obsession of using the hero’s name?

To English speakers, the name we use (Thomas Matulessy, I Gusti Ngurah Rai, and Raden Sudirman) is Indonesia’s hero name that contributes a lot to the independence of the country. As you guys might have noticed from the previous article, we are going to revolutionize the Indonesia crypto market and this means WAR.

War, and we are going to use the same spirit as our predecessors such as Jendral Sudirman, Thomas Matulessy, and I Gusti Ngurah Rai. Together we called ourselves Tri Koro Dharmo which was the original name of Jong Java, an organization made in 1918 that aims to unite students ​​and promote general knowledge for its members. Here the students are everyone who is keen to learn more about the world of decentralization and willing to be a part of the revolution.

2. We sounded idealist and naive. Is this a serious project?

We might be idealists as we really aim to change the current industry as we have been living and see many things to be fixed, but we are not at all naive. Our team came from years of blockchain and cryptocurrency experience which we will explain further below. We might be anonymous but as the time goes, the work will prove itself.

3. Why are we anonymous and how can we prove ourselves?

Bet everyone has heard about Satoshi Nakamoto :)

We might not be as big as him (yet), but we have the exact spirit. Decentralization spirit. The passion to revolutionize the financial industry and give everyone an equal chance to access and fully own their own assets. Access to financial inclusion. That is our purpose.

Anonymity will help us remove the central point, so everyone who is currently reading this article can contribute along with us, participating together to revolutionize the financial industry that is controlled by just a few people that will most likely be corrupt.

Okay, now let’s get into the main part, team introduction!

Raden Sudirman — The Tech Guy

Raden Sudirman, in real life is a crypto enthusiast that has been joining the blockchain space for the last 7 years and has been a blockchain developer since then. Sudirman in real life is really interested in DeFi, DAO, DEX, smart contracts, Layer 2, macro economy, and ideas about financial inclusion, where he believe every person should have access and control of financial inclusion.

The reason why “Sudirman” as alter is because the real Sudirman is well known for his leadership, and guerrilla warfare during the early independence proclamation, making him a strong pilar to defend and maintain the country’s independency. Here, is to maintain the ideation of IndoDEX main goal and oversee things from the leader’s technical perspective.

Thomas Matulessy — The Community Guy

The name Thomas Matulessy is actually known as Kapitan Pattimura whereas Pattimura means a humble king. Real life, Thomas has been in the industry for over 4 years being his first 2 years in a layer one project and the rest to build a strong community. Thomas is interested in DeFi application and currently is studying the NFT world.

Having the name Thomas Matulessy as alias, Thomas’s role is to lead the community and grow it big with his strategic approach, negotiation skill and natural will to break the unfair system and start the revolution to reach the real financial freedom. Quoting Thomas,

“Simple. Blockchain technology is only revolutionary and game changing if its decentralized. Otherwise, it’s just rich people making more money from the poor.”

I Gusti Ngurah Rai — The Design Guy

Being a nationalist, Ngurah Rai is not willing to see his homeland being exploited and controlled by people who only want to benefit themselves, manipulating local people for their own benefit. So he fought back, with only a few troops he was still able to fight, never giving up on getting freedom over his homeland until he reached the last point.

This passion then becoming Ngurah Rai’s fire, enthusiasm to carry out the task until PUPUT (FINISHED). As a designer in the field of blockchain and crypto for years now, Ngurah Rai know exactly what interface suit the users and how easy and accessible it should be. Quoting him,

I see the importance of a revolution or renewal that needs to be carried out in the crypto market in Indonesia, namely by creating a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange platform considering that now in Indonesia the crypto market is fully controlled by the centralized cryptocurrency exchange. It is very vulnerable to fraud, hacking, abuse, and various other implications that harm users in Indonesia. Therefore, once again we must strive to be free from the so-called exploitation of a centralized system.

Other Team Members

IndoDEX team is not a single entity, we are helped and backed up by many great people and community that are helping the project now and in the future with design, code pushes, business development, building community and more.

For those who have joined this in the early place, you guys know who you are and we are so grateful for you!

We are just started and we are not limiting ourselves to new members, so if you guys are interested to be a bigger part of this revolution, contact us!


IndoDEX is a decentralized exchange (DEX) on Binance Smart Chain focused on revolutionizing the Indonesian cryptocurrency market.

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Written by SeaDEX

Your gateway into the Defi ecosystem; A suite of next-gen Decentralized Applications focused on the Southeast Asian crypto market.

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